What We Do

Residental Sales

Thomas Wolf Energy is leading Tasmania in affordable, renewable energy. We offer competitive prices to anyone, anywhere in Tasmania. We are proud to offer 5kW of solar from $4,995. Let us design a system to your specifications and budget.

Residential Solar

Battery Storage

Batteries come in all shapes and sizes, a battery storage unit should be specifically designed to your particular needs, daily consumption and budget. Systems can be engineered to work in conjunction with, or without solar systems; residential or commercial. Batteries not only store energy, they also give you peace of mind. Batteries can be used to combat peak demand rates, power outages, power spikes and at night when your solar system isn't producing electricity. 

Battery Storage Units

Stand Alone / Off Grid

Stand Alone or Off Grid systems are perfect in remote areas where gaining access to the grid is either unattainable or very costly. Hybrid systems can compose of Solar, Wind, Hydro and Generator, giving you complete energy independence. We can supply systems small enough to run a fridge, and large enough to power an island, Thomas Wolf Energy has the power to design the perfect system for you.

Commercial Sales

Thomas Wolf Energy’s key objective in Tasmania is to work along side fellow businesses to promote renewable energy. Solar is an untapped resource in Tasmania and can potentially provide your business with huge savings on your energy expenditure. Commercial systems generally have a payback period between 4-6 years, with a life span of 25 years. Solar delivers high ROI’s compared to other investment options making it a smart choice both environmentally and financially.

Solar Lease

Solar Lease is the perfect option if your looking to reduce market price volatility, and receive stable, affordable electricity bills. Solar Lease allows your business to benefit from the full production capacity of the solar system with no capital cost. Solar Lease allows you to lock in energy prices for the next 5-20 years, which helps combat unpredictable rises from your traditional energy provider. Solar Lease will also save you money on your energy expenditure and promote an environmentally sustainable image.

Solar Lease

Solar PPA

A Solar Power Purchase Agreement (SPPA) is a contract between you and Thomas Wolf Energy (TWE), where TWE energy owns the system and you only pay for the power generated by the solar system, at a rate significantly less than your traditional energy provider. The benefits of Solar PPA include zero capital, zero installation cost, zero maintenance, immediate savings, reduced overheads and up to 50% cheaper power. Solar PPA will save your business money while also promoting an environmentally sustainable image.

Power Purchase Agreement

Landlord PPA

Thomas Wolf Energy hopes to make solar functional, attainable and affordable to everyone. We believe your investment property should make you the best return possible. Increase your annual yield by receiving a second return from your tenants, through the implementation of Landlord Power Purchase Agreement (LPPA). You purchase a solar system and sell them the energy produced at a discounted rate facilitated by Thomas Wolf Energy, creating an additional return for yourself and letting your tenants enjoy discounted electricity.

Landlord PPA

Heat Pumps

Tasmania is a cold climate, we all need to stay warm during the winter months, and cool during the summer. Heat pumps are a perfect way to meet both these needs. They are energy efficient and very affordable. Thomas Wolf Energy supplies all makes and models, any size, anywhere in Tasmania.

Hot Water Systems

Save up to 80% of your hot water costs, rain hail or shine.

Residential & Commercial Electrical

At Thomas Wolf Energy, we aren't just into renewable resources. The hardware we supply needs everything in between to function efficiently, now, into the future and decades to come. Our team of electricians cater for all residential electrical applications through to commercial and industrial. We work to a high standard, above and beyond our competitors.